Improve the health condition of IDP’s in Sheikhan Camp

The aim of the project is to improve the health situation in the camp for 3170 beneficiaries by addressing the solid waste collection and wastewater desludging gap.

Project Duration

4 months  |  from March 2022 to July 2022

The project aims to

  1. wastewater desludging.
  2. Solid waste management.

The main activities of the project

1- selection of casual workers.
2- septic tank desludging on a monthly basis.
3- maintain the desludging and garbage collection trucks.
4- cleaning camp 3 days a week.
5- collecting garbage by trucks 3 days a week.
6- provide garbage bins per camp sector.
7- cleaning camp.

The Project Media

The Project Statistics and Impacts

The total number of beneficiaries is:


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