Together for a promising future
We work to serve People in need everywhere
we seek to unify the efforts and progress through teamwork to serve the civil society in the whole world, aim to improve human reality, and implement high-professionalism development projects and benefit society … our priority is to raise the intellectual, educational, and living standards of the various social strata, to ensure the assistance and development of economically marginalized groups through awareness, support, training, and guidance by engaging in work, production, and self-reliance.
Our Projects

WASH Sector
We provide our services in WASH sector through projects to rehabilitate water stations, distribute hygiene supplies, collect and manage medical waste, treat sewage water and recycle.

Protection Sector
We offer our services in the Protection sector through projects that work on Child Protection, supporting women and girls safe space, and awareness raising about the property rights for male and female Internal Displaced people.

Food Security and Livelihood Sector
We offer our projects in the food security and livelihood sector by providing projects that generate income, distributing food baskets, in addition to supporting seasonal crops and vegetables, producing fertilizers, and supporting the productive value chain and fodder projects.
In response to the appalling humanitarian crisis in Iraq, which has made millions flee their homes, mostly women and children, IRDG and local partners focus on women-headed families through setting up income generation projects. IRDG stands ready to support the local authorities, CSOs, UN, and other partners in Iraq in accelerating efforts to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment.
Amal struggles for women’s rights and participates actively in the feminization and democratization of the public sphere to ensure sustainable development.
Amal Organization for Relief and Development was chosen because of its network in Iraq and the Arab Region. Besides, Amal Organization for Relief and Development is active in promoting women’s human rights in Arab Countries. The organization was established in 2013 and has a long and extensive experience in implementing various projects in humanitarian and development assistance. A large portion of its projects is dedicated to supporting women in their emancipation and empowerment, through livelihood and protection programs. In terms of livelihood, Amal has been supporting female-headed households in emergency settings, to help them provide for themselves and their families. Amal also runs Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Centers, proving female participants with the necessary skills to enter the job market in the non-emergency areas. Through Amal’s protection programming, women are supported by awareness-raising sessions regarding women’s rights and gender-based violence prevention. The psycho-social support activities provided to women by Amal in Amal’s community centers, help participants to regain self-confidence and the need for more active participation in the public sphere.